WHAT MOVES US VOL 3: Meet Charlie Keating You’re an original, and SWFT rides empower you to stay true to you. From work to play and anything in between, we want to celebrate the thrill that comes with...
What Moves Us - Vol. 2: Meet Justin Bettman Interview with Justin Bettman, a talented photographer and creator about doing a photoshoot with our SWFT ZIP e-bike! We love hearing from creatives in the community who are inspired by our products, and we sat down with Justin to find out more about what he does, why he chose SWFT, and what moves him.
What Moves Us - Vol. 1: Meet Donovan Howard Our SWFT BMX-style e-bike just launched. Recently we sat down with Donovan Howard, an avid BMXer in Brooklyn, NY to speak about our launch collaboration. We talked about how he got started in the BMX world, how it felt to ride a SWFT e-bike, and where he sees the future headed as a BMX rider.